You can not have more than one active order of the same type of service for each link. For example, you cannot place two orders of Telegram member service for your channel at the same time. Let your first order complete and then place the next one. Before placing an order, check that you don't have another active order on this link, otherwise your order will be canceled.
If you input the wrong link or in the wrong format, your order will be automatically placed in the completed status and the charged amount will not be returned to your balance.
All the information in the description of the service (Start time, Speed & etc) is an estimate. It may change or have fluctuations at the time of placing your order due to unforeseen circumstances and limitations of that social media network.
If a group or channel uses Hebrew in the name or content, Telegram has rigorous policies in place. Your order might not be completed if it is placed for one of these channels or groups. Ask us questions before placing an order for them.
There is an estimated drop rate for each service. The information about the drop is only an estimate and guess based on the service's past performance, and as a result, the website disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of this estimate.